Our Vision
Young leaders everywhere use innovation and business skills to ensure that all people thrive in a sustainable world
Our Mission
Enactus is a network of leaders committed to using business as a catalyst for positive social and environmental impact. We educate, inspire, and support young people to use innovation and entrepreneurship to solve the world’s biggest problems.
Role of a Judge
As a judge, you play an essential role in assessing the achievements of Enactus teams who have brought their entrepreneurial vision to life, driving meaningful change.
At our event, your critical evaluations will spotlight the direct, substantial impacts these teams have made, honouring the projects that best blend innovation with sound business practices for lasting benefits. Your participation not only reinforces the importance of impact Enactus teams strive to achieve, but also energises the continuous learning process that shapes their development throughout the year.
The Enactus Judging Criterion
The single question you will apply to make your best judgement for team presentations is:
Which Enactus team most effectively demonstrated entrepreneurial leadership to drive business and innovation for sustainable positive impact to benefit people, planet and prosperity within the last year?
The criterion is relatively broad, however you can break it down into the four key criterion areas:
1. Entrepreneurial Leadership
2. Innovation
3. Business Model
4. Sustainable Positive Impact
See the Individual Team Evaluation and Cumulative Evaluation Forms for further guidance on this terminology.
Full Information for Judges
Click the links below to read the full judge guide which further explains the process and judging criteria, as well as the two evaluation forms you will use on the day to assess the team projects.
Accommodation Offer
Enactus Australia is delighted to offer our delegates a discounted rate offer with our accommodation partner – Nesuto Docklands Apartment Hotel.
For information, rates and booking link with discounted rates click here.
The Judge’s Oath
On my honor, I agree to serve as an official judge of an Enactus competition with utmost fairness and impartiality.
I undertake this responsibility free from any prior conflicts of interest or preconceived notions about the competition’s outcomes. I commit to basing my evaluations solely on the teams’ presentations and annual report, with a focused lens on the realized impact and tangible outcomes they have achieved in the last year. My assessments will adhere strictly to the Enactus Project Criterion provided, ensuring a just and equitable evaluation process.