Create Partnerships for Collaboration

Create Partnerships for Collaboration

Embracing the call to action of UN Sustainable Development Goal, SDG 17 – Collaboration for the Goals, Enactus Australia works with partners to generate collective impact.

We partner with:

  • universities to provide leadership development for students.
  • students to support them to create their impact projects.
  • organisations and individuals in the Social Impact and NFP sector to develop the future workforce of the Social Impact ecosystem.
  • business and industry to provide opportunities for engagement for their staff through mentoring, judging, and business advisory boards.
  • government, business and industry to create projects for our teams that respond to challenges they identify.
  • philanthropists to generate impact from their donations.

All these collaborations allow us to do more than we could on our own!

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” – Helen Keller

Enactus Australia