
Enactus Australia brings together students, academics, business leaders and the impact sector at a variety of events.

At a local level our Enactus Australia teams organise events within their communities, and on their University Campus

At a regional level our teams get together each April to share their projects, give, and receive constructive feed-back from peers, faculty and partners, and celebrate their collective impact

At a national level we host our National Championships each July where student teams select their top 1 – 2 projects to present to judges. Our community selects the top team with the most impact to select Australia at our Enactus World Cup.

We also host in person, and virtual national events such as training, mentoring, careers fairs and knowledge exchange.

Internationally we host our Enactus World Cup bringing together our global community to celebrate the impact we make, the future leaders we are developing, and to select a global champion team.

“We are stronger when we listen, and smarter when we share.” — Rania Al-Abdullah

Enactus Australia