Student Handbook

Enactus Australia is excited to be welcoming all teams to our annual National Competition. We will be joined by our existing partners, and representatives from potential new partners and therefore, your participation is critical to showcase the outstanding efforts of all our Enactus Teams and Enactus Australia.

The Student Handbook will assist teams in preparing for our National Championship and on the global stage. Please read though carefully and make sure you complete all the required tasks.

Important dates are listed in the table below, with the relevant links for all critical forms, uploads and downloads.

Forms & Downloads for Nationals

Expressions of Interest to Compete in National Championship – click here
Registration for National Championship (each team member) – click here
New Project Showcase videos – click here to upload (pre-event)
Presentation files for Main & Early-Stage Comp entries – click here to upload (pre-event)
Project Verification Form – click here
Team Details spreadsheet – click here
Project Report Form – click here to complete the report online
Project Report Form – click here to download the .xlxs version as a working document
Project Report Form Guide (from Global) – coming soon.
Annual Report – see guidelines below and click here to upload annual reports
Judging Criteria (Team Evaluation Form) – click here
EOI – Marketplace – click here
Award Nominations:
Nominations – Most Outstanding Studentclick here
Nominations – Most Outstanding Faculty Advisorclick here
Nominations – Best Practice Business Advisory Board – click here
Nominations – Most Outstanding Alumni (1) 30yrs < + (2) over 30yrsclick here
New Project Showcase – Viewing – click here and subscribe to our YouTube Channel
New Project People’s Choice Awardclick here

Summary of Requirements, due dates & links

Each competition category has mandatory requirements set by either Enactus International or Enactus Australia.

Below this table you will find the explanation and further information for each of these items.

LINKS: all links referred to below for forms, documents and uploads are available above
Comp Category Mandatory Actions Format | how to submit Due Date
All Intention to Compete Online form 15 May
All Register to attend Nationals Online form 20 June
Main & Early-Stage Annual Report PDF | upload online 20 June
New Projects Showcase Video submission Online Upload 21 June
Main & Early-Stage   Presentation submission PPT | upload online 23 June
Main & Early-Stage Project Verification Report Online form 23 June
All Team Details .xlxs | download, complete & email 23 June
Main & Early-Stage Project Report / Team & Project photos Online form | upload images (png, jpg) 23 June
Comp Category Non-mandatory Actions Format Due date
All Market Place EOI Online form 01 June
All Award Nominations Online form 15 June

Notice of Intention to Compete

Complete our simple only form (link in list above) confirming which categories your team will be competing in at the National Championship, or if your team is observing only. You will need to indicate which of the below categories relate to your team project(s):

  • competing in the Early-Stage project category
  • competing in the Main Competition category
  • entering a project in the New Projects Showcase
  • Observing only at the event

Competition Categories Explained

Main Competition Early-Stage Competition New Projects Showcase
Eligibility & Requirements

For each category

Projects must be actively delivering impact. Projects must be validated but not yet delivering impact. Projects must be concept and developmental stage.
Unlimited project entries per team/university Unlimited project entries per team/university Up to 2 new projects per team/university.

**1 project per video

Annual Report Annual Report n/a
Team Project Report Team Project Report n/a
Project Verification Report Project Verification Report n/a
Active Team Sheets Active Team Sheets n/a
Can’t enter the same project in another category Can’t enter the same project in another category n/a
Pre-event video submission Submit online 1 week prior Submit online 1 week prior Submit online 1 week prior
Judging Criteria Team Evaluation Form

(link above)

Team Evaluation Form

(link above)

People’s Choice vote.

Info to follow.

Presentation Timing Presentation: Up to 12-minutes
+ 5 Min Q&A
Presentation: Up to 12-minutes
+ 5 Min Q&A
3 min video
made live prior to event
no at-event presentation **tbc
Scoring Ranked by judges based on Enactus Criterion Ranked by judges based on Enactus Criterion Valid assessed need Innovative concept
Registration National Championship registration site for Teams (students & FA) only:

See link in list above to register for Nationals now.


Individual Enactus Team Member Registration

Each individual Enactus Team Member from ALL universities, regardless of whether they are attending Nationals or not, must be registered with us anyway, this is for insurance purposes: click here for Individual Team Member registration

Register to Attend the Nationals

Each team member needs to register themselves to attend Nationals. If one team member wishes to register the whole team, you may do so, however you will need to provide each individual team member’s email. This is a requirement as we need to make communication prior to Nationals more efficient.

See list above ‘Forms & Downloads for Nationals’ for the link to register.

Volunteers Needed

We require each team member to nominate a block of time in which you can dedicate 1-2hrs volunteering to help run the event. This has traditionally been the Enactus way in the true spirit of collaboration. Please click here to nominate your preferred time-brackets.

New Project Showcase Videos

New Project Showcase videos are to be no more than 3 minutes in length. They are to be submitted in advance via WeTransfer (see above for due date) so we can upload them to our YouTube channel for viewing and to enable voting. Voting will be open the day after the due date, so the sooner you get your video in, the sooner you can receive votes.

Viewing & Voting – People’s Choice

  • Viewing will be via the Enactus Australia YouTube channel – click here to subscribe.
  • Voting will be via an online form – see list above ‘Forms & Downloads for Nationals’ for the link to the online voting form.

Project Verification Form

The Project Verification Form should be provided by teams to their Country Office before the National Championship event.

A representative from each team must complete this form confirming that all projects presented are legitimate and were implemented as stated in the Annual Report and audio/visual presentation.

See list above ‘Forms & Downloads for Nationals’ to submit the form online.

Team Details Spreadsheet

This spreadsheet can be downloaded at any time and used in daily operations by your team to keep track of your team members, faculty advisors, Business Advisory Board (BAB) members, Alumni and partners.

The Team Details Spreadsheet is required to be uploaded along with your Project Report Form – all of which can be done simply online, using the links above.

See list above ‘Forms & Downloads for Nationals’ to download this spreadsheet.

Project Report Form

HOT TIP: the items in this report will help with your annual report.

Due 2 weeks prior to the National Championship.

The Project Report Form is very important as it compiles all the key aspects of your project and it is where you will first collect impact data and metrics.

The Project Report Form is to be submitted online, however to assist teams gather data ongoing we have included the form as a downloadable excel spreadsheet to use it as a working document for teams to regularly submit details for your project. This will simplify the data collection process to then submit it online.

Enactus Global has provided a Project Report Form GUIDE, if you need added information to complete it.

See list above ‘Forms & Downloads for Nationals’ to download the excel spreadsheet or submit the form online or download the guide.

Annual Report Guidelines

Annual Reports are only required for Main Competition & Early-Stage projects

Main Competition Projects – annual report requirements

Your Annual Report is a document that provides information about the projects pursued by your team during the academic year. Digital Annual Reports are required a minimum of 2 weeks prior to the National Championship to be sent to judges in advance.

Annual Reports for main competition projects should:

  • names and descriptions of your projects
  • target beneficiaries
  • sources of revenue
  • expenses incurred during the year
  • clear description of the project outputs, outcomes and impact
  • highlight which SDGs your project(s) align with
  • acknowledgement of partners, collaborators and contributors
  • details of your BAB members, faculty advisors and team members

Early-Stage Projects – annual report requirements

Annual Reports for Early-Stage competing teams are only one (1) page, which will be reviewed in advance by the judges. Teams are encouraged to prepare a simplified report in bullet point format outlining key points under 3 sections:

  • Section 1: Introduction
  • Section 2: Project Information
  • Section 3: What’s next

Annual Reports for Early-Stage projects should include:

Section 1: Introduction

  • Tell us about your team
  • Who are you:
  • team member numbers
  • project hours
  • project funds raised.

Section 2: Project Info – This is your chance to highlight and re-affirm project details and early milestones and give judges additional information about your projects that perhaps couldn’t be covered in the actual presentation. We strongly encourage teams to follow the format of the Early-Stage Scoring Rubric and define the work you have done so far:

  • Project Name and Brief Project Description
  • Define the Project Need: Show how the team worked with the target audience to understand the core of the problem
  • Entrepreneurial Leadership, BusinessPrinciples and Innovation: Describe what ideas the team has developed/pursued. Has a business mindset been applied to the project?
  • Future sustainable positive impact: include how the team plans to produce measurable, lasting improvements. Emphasise how the project is designed to be scalable and improve lives sustainably.

Section 3: What’s next?

Describe the future state of your team’s project. Do not unrealistically project outcomes, rather, state the desired future state and highlight the work the team still needs to accomplish.

Format and delivery of all annual reports:

  • due 2 weeks prior to the National Championship.
  • The annual report will be projected on screen (no more printing!!) for judges and audience to read whilst teams are doing their tech set up before their presentation.
  • Annual reports will also be left on screen during the Q&A session.
  • Annual reports must be readable on a standard tutorial room screen for the reasons outlined in the points above.
  • Annual reports will be emailed in advance to Judges, hence the 2 week prior due date.
  • Maximum 1 page PDF (early-stage) and 1-2 page PDF (main comp) – each team needs to asses the best layout ie booklet and/or landscape format – to fit the screens – please attempt to put as much on the screen at the one time.
  • A copy of the annual report must be emailed to Enactus Australia in .Word format without any imagery (text only).

Screens – rooms for preliminary rounds

Screens – Main Theatre (Finals)

Judging Criteria (Team Evaluation Form)

The criteria for judging is set by Enactus Global. The evaluation form is available in advance for all teams to review. You might like to review this to cross-check with your team & project presentation prior to the event.

See link above in the ‘Forms & Downloads for Nationals’ to download this form.

Careers & Professional Development Workshops

We will be having Careers and Professional Development Workshops in collaboration with our partners as part of nationals. It is important for all attending students to be present at 2 of these 1 hour workshops. We will also have a photographer taking professional Headshots for your LinkedIn and CV. Further details about these workshops will be made available closer to the event.

Your Role to Help Create a more Sustainable Event

You all know the drill, please:

  • Bring a reusable coffee cup
  • Bring a refillable water bottle
  • Avoid Single use plastics such as cutlery
  • Take public transport or car-pool
  • Make suggestions of other sustainability measures we can put in place that a locally relevant

Marketplace Expression of Interest

In the months leading up to the National Championship we will assess the level of interest with the teams as to whether to include a Marketplace element to the event or not.

Does your team have products or services for sale? If so, we would love to have them on display and/or for sale in the Enactus Marketplace at the event. This means that all attendees including sponsors, partners, and judges can either purchase or be exposed to your offerings.

See link above in the ‘Forms & Downloads for Nationals’ to complete the online EOI form.

Competition Prizes

The following prizes will be awarded to teams and projects at the National Championship. Further details will follow.

National Champion

  • National Champion
  • National Champion Runner Up
  • National Champion Finalists x 4
  • National Champion Semi Finalists x 8

Early Stage

  • Early Stage Champion
  • Early Stage Runner Up
  • Early Stage Finalists x 4
  • Early Stage Semi Finalists x 8

New Project

  • Best New Project Award x 1
  • Best New Project Award Peoples’ Choice x 1

Enactus Community Awards (links below for nomination)

  • Most Outstanding Student
  • Most Outstanding Faculty Advisor
  • Best Practice  Business Advisory Board
  • Innovation Award x 1
  • Most Outstanding Alumni Under 30 x 2
  • Most Outstanding Alumni over 30 x 2

Coca Cola Challenge Awards

  • Coca Cola Challenge Award x 2


  • PaxHax 1st Place
  • PaxHax 2nd and 3rd
  • PaxHax 5th – 8th
  • PaxHax Best Speakers x 2
  • PaxHax People’s Choice x 2

Awards & Award Nominations

The National Championship provides an opportunity for all teams to acknowledge the outstanding efforts of various team members including students, faculty advisor, business advisory board and alumni (30yrs < and over 30yrs).

See above for due dates and links to online nomination forms.

Nominations – Most Outstanding Studentclick here
Nominations – Most Outstanding Faculty Advisorclick here
Nominations – Best Practice Business Advisory Board – click here
Nominations – Most Outstanding Alumni (1) 30yrs < + (2) over 30yrsclick here

Criteria for Award Nomination

Most Outstanding Student

For the category of Most Outstanding Student, you will need to provide concrete examples of how your nominated student has demonstrated their commitment and contribution to Enactus and your team.

The criteria to be addressed includes:

  • provides Input and collaboration into developing and implementing sustainable projects
  • provides leadership/guidance, support and a high level of contribution to the team
  • actively recruits, coaches and mentors new team members

Most Outstanding Faculty Advisor

For the category of Most Outstanding Faculty Advisor, you will need to provide concrete examples of how your nominated Faculty Advisor/Mentor has demonstrated their support for Enactus and your team.

The criteria to be addressed includes:

  • provides constructive coaching, mentoring, leadership and direction to the team
  • finds and / or creates opportunities for the team
  • widely promotes Enactus on campus to students and academics

Best Practice Business Advisory Board (BAB)

For the category of Best Practice BAB, you will need to provide concrete examples of how your Board offers support and advice to your team.

The criteria to be addressed includes:

  • The Business Advisory Board provides your team with guidance in developing a professional and mutually beneficial relationship between the Board and the Team.
  • Board members provide specific skills to assist the team and individuals
  • Board members support/mentor specific projects
  • The Board provides advice on your presentation prior to, and post the National Competition
  • Meetings are attended by a majority of Board members
  • You invite Board members to judge at the National Competition
  • Board members provide advice and/or assistance in fundraising ideas
  • You ensure that Board members are aware of your website and social media pages

Most Outstanding Alumni

Enactus celebrates the success of its Alumni and their continuing engagement with the Enactus Community post-graduation. Alumni nomination criteria showcase the nominee’s continuing the Spirit of Enactus in the post university life.

The criteria to be addressed includes:

  • engages with Enactus community in Australia
  • advocating for positive social impact
  • professional and personal impact engagement

The award for Alumni is handled a little differently to the other awards. Enactus Australia will use the process outlined above, however the winner of the Most Outstanding Alumni will be nominated on the global stage for the Alumni of the Year Award at the World Cup (outlined below).

Competition Program

See our main event page for the most up-to-date version of the program – click here.

Connect, Promote, Showcase

The more you follow & interact with us online, the more attention we can get from partners & sponsors to better support and serve all teams.

Follow, like and tag us in your preparations as you head to Nationals, both at a team and individual level.

Accommodation – get in early!

We have two (2) suggestions so far:

We are pleased to announce Nesuto Docklands Apartment Hotel as our accommodation support for the 2024 National Championship. Nesuto Apartments are conveniently located close to the venue in Docklands. Our delegates will automatically be allocated a discount if booked through our registered booking page. Click here for more details and to book.

The nearest YHA Melbourne Central has group booking capability. This YHA is conveniently located within 10 min walk to the Nationals venue. We suggest teams get in early and make contact with them now.

YHA Melbourne Central Group
562 Flinders St, Melbourne
+613 9621 2523 – Group Coordinator – YHA Group Reservations Team

World Cup

The 2024 World Cup will be held in Astana, Kazakhstan October 2 – 4. Everyone is welcome! Would love to have as many of our Australian Enactus Community in attendance as possible. There will be an academic conference on Oct 1 – more information will be shared shortly.

Volunteer – 1-2hrs at Nationals

We require each team member to nominate a block of time in which you can dedicate 1-2hrs volunteering to help run the event. This has traditionally been the Enactus way in the true spirit of collaboration. Please click here to nominate your preferred time-brackets.

Enactus Australia